Sunday, October 24, 2010

Light of Life

stooping, crying, weeping sobbing
here in this dark corner.
but this is mine. it's all i have.

i can hear them.
screaming, howling, screeching.
the demons.

but i am safe.
here in the darkness. alone.
comforting, empty.

no one can touch me,
hurt me, love me.

swirling around me,
clinging, covering, clenching,
never letting go. 

For here i cannot see what really is.
who i am really am.

but you.
you and those bright eyes.
you and that goddamn laugh.

how dare you??
how dare you??
how dare you, waltz into my life?

it's mine. only mine.
you and your damn smile.
how dare you just stroll in here??

ringing that goddamn doorbell, which announced your arrival
like some seraphim's trumpet.

how dare you??
just come into my world,
disrupt the darkness around me??

what right did you have?
what goddamn right did you have to bring your
filthy light??

who gave you the right to expose me??
all i am,
all i was.
what i would not see.

who are you?
to just think that you could bring your light in here?
to make me see just what i was??

i was content in my darkness. blissful in my ignorance.
i did not want to know i could love.
i did not want to know i could care,
i did not want to fucking know how beautiful i could feel.

i could never have imagined,
how brightly the colors shone in the light.
how beautiful life could be.
but what does that matter???

it all looks the same in the dark.

but your light,
your fucking precious light,

leaves a yearning.
an emptiness. a void.

one that now, my precious darkness cannot fill.

what right have you??
who gave you permission??

how dare you expose me?
taint me with impurities,
in the dark i was perfect.

but now i see.. and it's all your fault.
you made me a part of your whole.. i can hear it..

the song, the song of the light,
resonating long after i have hid from it's garish brightness

to the cool dark.
i cannot escape it.
i have one thing to tell you.
listen closely to my words.

come back. I'm so very afraid of the dark.

(c) copy write 1996 - J.D Daniels
May not be used or reproduced without permission.

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